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Theology On Tap


I woke up this morning to see this article in the paper. Perhaps the Protestant Church could learn a thing or two from their Catholic brethren?

Theology event for young adults
Posted June 30, 2006 - Religion brief

Theology on Tap will be held four Tuesdays this summer, beginning July 11. Young adults in their 20s and 30s, married or single, can attend to enrich their lives with a better understanding of their Catholic faith and how it relates to their lives. Catholic parishes in the Wausau Deanery are hosting the free series from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. each evening at various locations.

The July 11 session "Today's Society and Spirituality: Do They Jive?" will be held at The Bar at Cedar Creek, 10302 Market St., Rothschild, with Wendy Mitch, youth minister at Newman University Parish, Stevens Point.

The July 18 meeting will be "DaVinci Code is in the Fiction Section for a Reason" at the City Grill, 203 Jefferson St., in downtown Wausau, with the Rev. Mark Pierce of Roncali Newman Parish in La Crosse.

The July 25 session at Dale's Weston Lanes, 5902 Schofield Ave., Weston, will discuss "Deal or No Deal: Knocking on Heaven's Door" with Mark Arnold, deacon at Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Jim Falls and assistant to the dean in the Chippewa Falls Deanery.

The Aug. 1 gathering will be held at the Marathon Bowling Center, 1200 S. Highway 107 in Marathon. The talk is "God or the Girl: The Story of Fr. Sam Martin" with Martin who is chaplain at Aquinas High School and director of the Holy Cross Seminary House of Formation in La Crosse.

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